Types of Editing Services

Developmental And Structural Editing


Developmental editing focuses on the overall elements of your manuscript.

For fiction works, this includes in-margin comments on the following:

  • Plot - analysis of the story itself, as well as any plot holes or errors

  • Character - analysis of each main character in the story, including character development

  • Pacing and Flow - looks at how your story develops from start to finish, and how quickly each element is presented

  • Descriptions and Setting - analysis of how well these elements are done in your manuscript. Can the reader visualize your scenes? Have you given so much information that your story drags? How can you improve the descriptions in your story

  • Style and Voice - comments on how you can improve your writing as a whole (what you have done well and what may need work or revision)

For non-fiction works, this includes in-margin comments on the following:

  • Structure - analysis of how you have structured your book or article. Which sections may be better off in a different location or chapter?

  • Content - Have you covered the topic completely? Will your reader learn what you advertise upon completing your book?

  • Arguments - analysis of how well each section covers the topic at hand, including checking for repetition or missing information

  • Writing style - how to improve your sentence structure and style to convey the information to the reader in a captivating way

Developmental editing packages will include a brief critique (about two pages) that contain any additional suggestions, comments, or thoughts that may improve your story and writing.

Proofreading and Line Editing


Line editing and proofreading look at your writing line by line to analyze for sentence structure, word choice, syntax, grammar, punctuation, and vocabulary.

Most of the revisions would be corrected in the text itself. Comments will only be necessary if a complete rephrase is necessary or if I have additional suggestions. Line editing does not analyze macroscopic elements such as story and characterization.

Revisions included:

  • Grammar, punctuation, and spelling correction

  • Improved sentence structure

  • Syntax correction

  • Vocabulary recommendations

  • Better flow and clarity in your writing

Beta Reading


Beta Reading is an initial read-through of your draft.

Beta Reading provides insight from the reader’s perspective. When I beta-read your book, I will provide in-line comments with my impressions, from a reader standpoint, regarding the following:

  • The story’s beginning, middle, and end

  • Characters

  • Plot

  • Elements of the story that need to be improved

  • Confusing scenes or dialogue

  • And many other impressions, ideas, or suggestions from a reader’s standpoint!

Content Editing


Content editing combines the services of all of the above: developmental, structural, and line editing plus proofreading and beta-reading impressions.


Sample Edit

Would you like to see what the editing process is like without purchasing a full package? You can buy a Sample Edit for up to 3,000 words of your work today!
